Spira History: Lesson 5

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Few people know that Spira is a connoisseur of fine coffees from around the world. In the late ’30s he acquired a large coffee plantation in Colombia where he commanded an army of 100 local farmers. Spira would roast his own beans and then grind them into a fine powder with his bare hands. One morning, while enjoying his morning cup, Spira read in the newspaper about the aggression of a young German named Adolf Hitler. Spira immediately authored a telegram to the young Kraut, “Hey! Not Cool!”  After Pearl Harbor, a 17-year-old Spira lied about his age to join the service. Spira single-handedly won the Battle of Iwo Jima, and then demanded a transfer to the European Theater. While it was reported that Hitler died as part of a suicide pact, the truth is that Spira broke rank and tracked the German leader to the bunker of his private compound. Legend has it that Spira uttered the phrase, “Punk!” before dispatching the dictator.

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