Dear Diary,
What is Spira thinking? It is so cold outside… it is oppressively cold. And Spira knows a thing or two about oppression. This isn’t Russia! Spira doesn’t wait in bread lines… Why do people live here? It’s a frozen hellscape barely fit to sustain human life. We live on the ice planet Hoth. That’s right, Spira loves Star Wars. Watched them all frame-by-frame. Don’t act surprised… Do you live in Chicagoland, or in any locale even further North? You, sir (or madam), are outside of your mind.
Spira had a revelation whilst on vacation. I went to Hawaii and I thought to myself, “Spira, this is where you belong!” I met a bartender who went there to visit his old college roommate and just never left! What the heck?! Can you imagine? I’d get a place (with a basement, obviously) and enjoy frosty High Life on the beach all day.
OK, Diary, it’s time for Spira to get back to work. I need to do a bunch of push-ups for the fitness challenge. What? You think they give these guns away?! Please…