Dear Diary,
Putin sent me an email yesterday, and he says, “Hey Spira! What’s the deal with Seinfeld? I don’t see the humor.” Of course he doesn’t get it! Seinfeld is as American as apple pie, Black Friday and bankruptcy! He doesn’t understand freedom the way Spira does. Did you know that the bald eagle is my spirit animal? It’s a fact, and you should be keeping track of these things.
People think its easy to be Spira or that there are multiple Spiras out there. This is simply not true. Are you outside of your mind? There is a tremendous burden on Spira to be Spira and not enough recognition for Spira when he delivers on your expectations of Spira. Are you copying what I’m pasting here?
In summary and in conclusion, appreciate Spira. He needs positive, specific feedback. This isn’t Russia, after all…