Dear Diary,
What’s happening, baby? It’s been awhile since Spira enriched your life with my thoughts and musings. Well, I’m back now! You’re welcome. Everyone knows that Friday is the best day of the week, this is obvious. It is the day where the work week ends, and the weekend begins. Friday is the day that it is finally “on”. If you know Spira, you know that I love to talk about Fridays. At times, I’ll even post about it on the social media. Now, you may be asking yourself, “Well, Tom, what about the other days?” And that’s a great question, one that can not simply be answered “correct” or “cowrong”. Here’s what’s really going on every day of Spira’s week. Pay attention.
Saturday – Saturdays are awesome! You can do whatever you want all day. I usually start by sleeping in and recovering from my Friday night escapades. I review all of the witty and hilarious text messages I sent from the basement, many of which make no sense. Some people are real good kids and can follow Spira’s slow descent into texting nonsense. Then there’s guys like Daniel. Sometimes I’ll conduct a SWOT analysis and do a deep dive on my Friday night results! I’m crazy!
Sunday – Sundays are a paradox. Yes, it is a weekend day, but it’s also a con artist just waiting to pull the old Kansas City Shuffle on you and turn into a school night when you’re not looking. Uncool! For example, a Sunday morning is a lot like a Saturday morning, but a Sunday night at 7:35pm is basically the same as a Tuesday afternoon. Are you following, Diary? I’ll try to explain it like you’re five.
Monday – the worst. Just the absolute worst. Scientifically speaking, Mondays are the furthest thing in the world from Friday. Nothing good ever happens on Mondays. I have nothing more to say on the subject.
Tuesday – Spira used to be confused by Tuesdays. Perplexed, even. Let me share what I’ve learned over many glorious years of being Spira. This is a secret, are you paying attention? Tuesday’s are “No Man’s Land”, much like wandering in the desert. It’s not Monday anymore, which is a step in the right direction. On the other hand, it’s not even Wednesday yet! What gives?
Wednesday – The Hump Day. Lots of activity on Wednesdays! When the day starts, it’s so lame because the week isn’t even half over. However, something magical happens at Noon, and the balance of power shifts towards the inevitable momentum of Friday. It’s all downhill from here, baby! Important note: it is now appropriate to text Ryan and ask him “How many hours?!”
Thursday – the kids these days call it “Friday Junior” – are they kidding Spira? Nothing is Friday except for Friday, ya dig? Sir Isaac Newton discovered that theory and proved it at the first Gino’s many years ago. True fact. Something truly magical does happen when you leave work on Thursday. If you look off into the distance, while listening to an 80s playlist, you can just barely start to see Friday on the horizon… It’s so almost on. Ryan should know exactly how many hours are left and text me back immediately.
That’s a wrap! Should I post this on LinkedIn? Be honest. People tell me I’m an “influencer”, but Spira isn’t about the spotlight. It’s really all about the content and building an authentic community. Don’t @ me.
Best Regards,
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