Dear Diary,
Spira is feeling inspired today! I’m going to really drill down and get laser-focused on my core competencies, baby! It’s a marathon, not a sprint, and Spira’s going to win it. Are you ready to competently seize cross-functional initiatives? After my coffee this morning, I’m working on a project where I’ll be enthusiastically iterating standardized value across diverse client-centric communities. Have you heard of social media? I’m pretty sure that’s part of it.
It’s a Web 2.0 world and Spira’s got his own GeoCities page! I’ve been looking to sell my self-published eBook on there, but lately I’ve been completely procrastinating on my interdependent e-business model… Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to seamlessly cultivate some holistic relationships here at the office.
To Industry!
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