Author: Spira's Personal Assistant

Look…maybe Spira doesn’t eat at Ivy or live on Hollywood Blvd….but he knows that the industry fails without his input…


Spira’s Gallery of Greatness…

Tom Spira has seen a lot in his life.  This is just a small sampling of his distant and varied travels.  Leave a comment and he will try to get back to you in-between fighting lions and piloting submarines.  Each time Spira goes on another world adventure, his personal photographer and assistant documents the journey and places it hear for the world to appreciate.  Enjoy the gallery!

Not just a hat rack!

You kids and your organic wifi!


Look over there, that’s him, leaning on the jukebox… Tom Spira.  I know it’s him because they say he always wears that Def Leppard t-shirt and leather jacket.  All the local kids think it’s cool to smoke cigarettes and listen to that hard rock music because of Spira.  He’s up to no good I tell you…